Sunday, December 27, 2009


Mamoo (my mother in law) asked for a dog for Christmas. Meet Copper....

Snow Day

Making snow angels...

Macey told me that she wished for snow....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Papsy's Girl

Papsy loves all his girls! For those who know Papsy this is HIM. He's outside (on the river - which you can't see). He has a fire going, which he always builds for his kids and grand kids. Beer in hand, and grand kids near by.
I love this photo!

got your Chrismtas goose?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Flasy Back Friday PhotoS

In honor of Collin's Birthday I have posted this pic. I think this was from Kelly's wedding...? Whenever it was...our little boys sure have grown!!!

Tracy, I would make a comment on the sweater, but my suspenders are just as bad!
Christmas at Grandma.

OK....I still swear this is Uncle Billy....always thought it was Uncle Bill...could be Uncle Jay? Fess up already!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Christmas Program

When I was younger it didn't feel like Christmas without Santa and snow. Now that I am much older and a mom, it just doesn't seem like Christmas without seeing my kids in a Christmas pageant. Here is my angel and shepard!

Doesn't she just look angelic?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Things that I can remember Jack has eaten:
body lotion (orange scented)
Gavin's G.I. Joe
Macey's necklace
a bag of red potatoes
Red Christmas bulbs
Daddy's screw driver handles
Macey's bike basket
a photography book from the library
barbie doll
computer cable
a box of tissue (numerous times)
kids blow up pool
several pairs of shoe laces
Halloween decorations
tea bags
beer cans
living room curtains
my rug
his leash
his bed
his toys
his food bowl
his water dish
wall spackle - that was gross!!
a bag of apples
Gavin's camera strap
bubble gum
a stick of butter
cup cake wrappers
a entire bunch of bananas
Macey's sun glasses
a deck of "Go Fish Cards"
a utility bill
christmas tree
table leg

to be continued....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Stocking were hung by the fireplace with care

except for daddy's because it is too big, he must have been extra good this year!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa and I 1974

check out the hands on this Santa...he is huge! I think I would still cry if I had to sit on this freaks lap!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Missing the Summer

I hate winter! I hate the cold! Already I am longing for sunlight, running barefoot in the grass and going for walks with my kids in warm summer rain. Here are a few memories I will recall to get me through these next dark, cold, long months!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Good Hair Day on A Bad Hair Day

Before at 7:00 a.m.
After at 7:00 p.m.

It would figure that today I left the house with Great hair. Maybe the best hair day that I have had in weeks! But with the winds blowing in the 30 to 40 mile an hour range...I really didn't have a chance of keeping my locks in perfect place, even with Mega Hold hairspray. Here is a before and after picture.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Story Time

When: December 8th, 2009 at 7:00 P.M.
Where: Hall at the Payne House
Reader: Master Gavin Brown
Story: Walter the Farting Dog
Sound & Smell Effects: Jack

Monday, December 7, 2009

1st Snow Day of the Year....

As a photographer these are the WORST pictures every. I could get all tech on you, I didn't want to use my flash, it was still dark out, didn't go and get my tripod. Then later when I had them both at the door my car was running and I already should have left ten minutes prior (I still ended up clocking in 19 minutes late - as people have obviously forgotten what it was like to drive in snow).
However, as a mom...Gavin's face shows it best! The excitement and the wonder of freshly fallen snow. These are the moments that us mom store up inside us and hang on to, and treasure for days to come. This is why I love my camera so I can try and hang on to the magic of that specific moment in hopes that a part of it can still live on.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pink hair girl

A couple of weeks ago when Macey went to get her hair cut she asked to get it colored red. Cool hair dresser Amy fixed it all and Macey got a pink strip of hair. Can you see it? It actually looked really cool.

Flash Back Friday (belated, sorry was working)

My sister Kelly and I in Disney 1990. All I want to know is Kelly, do you still have that Daisy Duck hat, and Roger Rabbits autograph?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What makes him happy....

I am constantly impressed by the unique connection that Paul has for his girls. You can help but see it when they are together!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The last nice day....

Can you believe it is December 1 and the kids can still come outside and play without bundling up? I love it! Wish it were always this wonderful! I was outside decorating for Christmas without a coat on just the other day! But I guess it is all about to change starting tomorrow! Tis the season.