The date was June 23, 2004, the eve of our wedding
The place was the Wisconsin Dells
Outside in the back yard of the White Rose Inn
With two total strangers (the minister and the wedding planner) Paul and I ran through our wedding vows. God was there, as his gift to us he sent the rain. All the walks we had taken in the rain…and it started to pour. The wedding planner was good…she had umbrellas.
I can no longer remember the smaller details of that sweet moment. We were so focused on each other, the significance, the emotion and the love. We both laughed and cried. Our wedding was the next afternoon…but we married each other right there in the middle of a rain storm, under umbrellas with two total strangers. It was the best wedding ever!
So to my husband…Happy Anniversary Eve! In honor of this occasion I have prepared for you one of my famous lists of reasons why I love you so much.
Things that I love about you…. The way you scratch your facial scruff when your patients are tried. That you are still the special cooker. That you always bring me back a bottle of wine when you buy beer for yourself. That you are a good sport about posing for pictures. You take me to Art Museums, and Art Fairs when I say we need to be more cultured. You never question what I spend our money on. You never tell me No. Every time we cross the Indiana state line you break out in song “Back Home Again, In Indiana.” The crazy dance you do pretending to smack someone behind. That you do the grocery shopping. That it makes you sad to drop Macey off at daycare. That you are a great dad! That you suck at betting on the ponies. The way you love your parents! How handy you are. You ALWAYS kiss me good-bye. You are a great hugger. You suck at making up songs…but they still make me laugh. You still don’t fart around me. We can speak our minds to each other. That we have managed to get through the hard times totally together. Even if you hate the dog, when he runs away you still help me find him. Your beat up hands, and knobby knees. How you appreciate the finer things in life. That you will pick up the mess if one of the kids gets sick. The great life we have built together. That you know how to handle me. Early mornings when the kids are still asleep. You smell good. You keep me warm at night. You make uncomfortable situations bearable for me. You challenge me. You believe in me. Your savvy for purchasing things on Ebay. That you will walk on the beach for me. That you take the things and moments I love and indulge me. Our hammock. Weekend breakfast at Crackle Barrel. Special dinners in our booth at Bierstube. Your taste in socks. Your ability to fall asleep almost anywhere if you are really tired. That you have kept the appliance running, even though we do have to use the screw driver to get the washing machine to start. That you keep taking me to see Train, even if we have just seen them. How good you look in a Studebaker. You still kiss me after I had Chinese for lunch and smell of garlic. That you let me spoil the kids. That you add “in bed” to the end of our fortunes. You ask me what I want for dinner every morning. That even after all this time together you still share with me stories about something in your past that I have never heard of before. That we are getting fat together. I love that you will lay down with Macey in the middle of the night when she needs someone. Your ability to eat anything with a fork. The great aim you have with a bebe gun. You planted all my day lilies and I just held your beer.