Taylor...she is growing up too fast, and she is probably thinking she can't wait for the next few years to pass. I remember the very first time I meet her...I was nervous! There she was in ponytails, cute as could be!

I remember each time I felt I fell in love with my kids. With Taylor it was marked with this enormous disappointment that I missed something that was important to her. I had just had Macey and Taylor was in a guard performance in Indy. I got up at o'dark thirty, packed my kids up and headed to Indy. I dropped my kids off at my mom's and went to watch Taylor.

It was raining, and I got lost, and when I walked into the gym she and her group were just walking off the court. I had missed her by minutes. I had to bite on the insides of my cheek to keep myself from crying. I was so disappointed that I had missed her!!!

I still have the wrist band they gave me when I paid my $5.00 to go in. It sits by the kitchen sink, in a basket that I keep my wedding band in. What a small price to pay to know someone had snagged you by your heart strings, and you didn't even see it coming!