Sunday, January 26, 2014


We went outside tonight while the temps were still mild. The next few days it will not even be above zero. It has been a cold winter, with lots of snow. I saw on the news last week that this is the 3rd snowest winter...1st place went to 1978, then 1996 and 3rd place is this winter. And to think it is only January. The kids have missed so much school because they just don't have it!

There have been times I wish I had my camera on hand this week. On Friday night I took the kids to a movie and I let Gavin invite his girlfriend. I couldn't take my eyes off of the two of them. As if by magic this little boy of mine had his arms around another person, and she rested her head on his head. They were cute. I found myself in wonderment of it all.

Time is such a funny thing. Here I am wishing this winter away to warmer days. On the same hand I look at my son. Next week we will sign him up for his freshman year of high school. The fact that he has a girlfriend and will be driving in his near future, I find myself willing to endure cold, dark, January days to keep him younger for as long as I can.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dinner the fixer and answer to all problems...and how I know he loves us

I came across this photo and it made me think of this...

He would have dinner waiting for her....

If it is possible and he dies before any of us..there is not doubt in my mind that my husband will greet our loved ones with not only great food..but food they love. This is how I know he loves us all the time, even if it is not spoken.

I even tell this to our kids. If they watch, they will see it too. It is how I know after eleven years of being with my spouse that I see his love for not only me but towards anyone that is imporant to him.

I can count on it, like clock work, that if anyone of us should have a terrible, bad day our favorite meal will be awaiting us at the dinner table. It is his gift, and in return it is how he says "I love you, and it will all be alright!"