Sunday, May 21, 2017

Duke and Remy

Here are the bully brothers

Saturday, May 20, 2017

only one more year...

Soon this boy will flee...  tonight was his prom.
Last week he was telling me his future plans, and saying "can you believe that this is going to be my senior year?"   His entire future before him... I think I am envious.  That's an entire other post... tonight is just prom pics...

Rachel Platten - Stand By You (lyric)

this song, the words
this is to my core peeps
Paul P
Nay Nay

the temporary hells we walk through are just that, temporary
we touch Heaven all the time in our love for each other

aside from Nay Nay I see you guys re-read this blog and our memories all the time
this is my shout out to you
I love that you are in my life and that I am lucky enough to be a part of yours

Thursday, May 11, 2017

She is a Golden Apple!

When I moved here in 2004 and I enrolled Gavin in elementary school, my path crossed with Mrs. Dowers! Gavin had her for 1st grade and he did not like her, for the simple reason that she made him mind.  I've learned over the years that she has a knack for that.  She also is not put off by loud and messy, and has patience with others more than I every could believe was humanly possible.  I admire this in her and strive to extend the same to others.

This women, whom I literally call "friend"  started out as as my kids teacher.  We would see each other and talk at school functions, kid birthday parties and over time she became a dear friend.

I have a hard time calling her Catherine, because as my kids teacher she was always Mrs. Dowers.

Whatever I call her, friend or Dowers, this women knows me as well as my immediately family, and dare I say more because she is a person that I can entrust my true self to, and it never scares her away!  In fact sometimes I think she worries that she will step on my toes because of what she does say...but a true friends speaks the hard truths we don't always want to hear.

We joked last week as I picked up Macey from her house, who is also friends with her daughter, about how you know who your true friends are when you can allow them into your lived in and messy home.  Yes, I agreed, knowing this women saw my top half naked two years ago as she came over to rip the steri strips off my newly biopsy breast because I couldn't do it myself and they needed to come off!

There are fun moments, relaxing moments, enjoyable moments, random moments, and just hard moments I have shared with this women.  She has prayed with me over the phone in the small dark hours of many mornings. She has given my daughter a 2nd home.  Together we have tried to figure life out and the many challenges it has thrown to us over the years.

I feel like I am making this about me as I type this, but I am just so proud for her.  In all of the years and moments we have shared together, I know the hard work, worry, sweat, creativity, sorrows, accomplishments that she has endured as a teacher, as a women who is vested in her class room, and in her employer.

A couple of months ago, my friend was nominated for the golden apple.  She seemed so stunned, which contradicted what I was thinking... "Why had she not been nominated sooner?"

When I think of Dower's I think of Proverbs 31, although if she had actually planted a vineyard I don't think she would share that tidbit with me, as she knows that would not be in  my best she seems to always have the instinct of what is in everyone's best interest.  It is why she is the women, mom, friend, wife and teacher she is.

This women needs a golden apple award for more than just teaching!

I haven't talked about this with her, but I have wondered, what is she going to do now?  I hope this experience is just one of many stepping stones that will carry her on and drive her to new avenues. I believe that we all have a divine destiny to fulfill, and I hope this experience ignites the confidence within her to launch her ever further into uncharted territory.

I love this women!  Congrats Friend!