What I wrote in my journal about Date #3...right next to my Train Concert ticket on July 15, 2003 at 8:00 P.M. in the Murate Egyptian Room.....(ticket price $25).
Tonight was the reason behind the first two dates. Paul had asked me to the Train concert first. We both agreed we wanted to meet before the concert.
The people were worth the price of admission alone. We would pick someone out of the crowd and tell their life story to the other one as if we were their best friend, and we knew every single detail about them. Paul was really good at this! My favorite was of a little balding man who Paul said owned a little watch shop. He made up a lot more, and I can't remember all of it now.
For awhile tonight I was wondering to myself if Paul would just be a good friend. Then he looked at me. He has this gaze as if he were inviting me to look inside. I can't recall anyone ever inviting me to see who they really are. It is a comforting feeling.
Then when the night came to an end and it was time to go, there was a place inside me that started to tighten, almost ache. I missed him, and he hadn't even said good-bye.
He showed me pictures of his kids that he kept in his car of Taylor and Adam.
When I got home I called him, just to thank him for such a great time. We talked another hour, and laughed. He really makes me laugh.
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