I have loved my 30's... If I could choose the age to have for keeps it would be this one right here. I love that after all this time, I really am grown up. I know who I am, and what I want to achieve in life. I love that my kids are past the diapers, the middle of the night feedings, and can tell me when they need something. I love that they are still young enough to love me and need me, and require hugs, and good night kisses at night. I love what Paul and I have made together. Not just Macey...but all of it...the relationships and love that are solid foundations for our kids to stand on. I love our life! We may not have the THINGS we wish we could, or more money in the bank, but we are truly rich beyond my wildest expections. And when life exceeds your expectations then how can it ever get better than that?
I love this pic of Gavin...he is looking so grown up!

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