I went to walk for the cure and ran the entire gamut of human emotion. Some were there to celebrate life, while others were there to honors those who have gone. Some went to win a race. Some ran the race and finished without stress, while others fought not to throw up. I decided today that running was not for me. But race for the cure was touching. Touching to see a community unite, and to see survivors cross the line with their grandchildren.

I went to a birthday party at the children's museum that was totally crowded. Macey thought she has lost me or that I had left and it was a sad drama. We ate cupcakes and sang happy birthday to two great kids!

Then we came home to wait for Gavin's friends to arrive. We drove them out the farm and had a giant nerf gun fight that resulted in a serious boy fight. Wow! I think my blood and heart might have been pumping just as much as the boys in the fight. Kind of freaked me out. And I don't know who I felt the worst for.

I froze my butt off all day! It rained when I was out. And I miss summer, but I think that I have already addressed that in many other blogs! I took pics at the farm to distract my mind from how darn cold I was.

Now three little boys keep trying to sneak up behind me as I type my blog to try and win the title of scaring mom!

I have tried to take a picture of Gavin all day. I climbed up into a tree house to rescue two five year olds that decided that the slide was too dark to go down, and coming back down needed help too!

Now I am listening to a handful of 11 year olds scream, laugh and play animal control with poor Jack. It was a good day...but I look forward to getting through the night. I feel as if I am attempting a rite of passage having a slumber party.
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