This Santa looks harmless, but he is my biggest Christmas Nightmare! I hate him! I highly advise any mom to think twice before she purchase any of these cool advent calendars, especially if you have more than one child.
See it is really hard to find something to fit into the darn things anyways. And depending on how many children you have that gets even more difficult. Then if your children are anything like my children that get so excited about the $.07 candy you purchased for the days...that they will actually lose sleep over it, and that means you will too! My children have been getting up before I get out of bed just to see what the prize of the day is. This is not only bad for you...but the children, cuz if you are like me it is nice to have a shower without someone sitting on the toilet telling you what they dreamed about....or a cup of coffee without having to make hot chocolate and a toaster strudel for them before you can have your cup of coffee.
Another bad thing that could happen....
Last year I ran out of money to fill the Santa so I made up colorful notes of things we would do that evening. I forgot to take them out. My eleven year old who I swear opens the boxes a few days in advance finds these...and then thinks we are going or doing such an adventure, example seeing lights or making cookies. He tells Macey and then with both of them ready to go...what do you say?
That leads me to the next bad thing...they do not come with alarms. My sneaky son checks them all out! Which leads to the entire other issue of where to hide ALL the real Christmas presents!
So I am just asking all other's who pause to consider these in Target to take not only a second thought, but a third cuz once you start it you are committed. It is just like the stocking we fill, the cookies and milk we fill ourselves with, and the toys we have to put together on Christmas Eve. Just ask yourself if it is REALLY worth it.
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