Here are my new locks! They are a bit of a challenge and not sure that as of right now I am up to the task of mastering them everyday. Yesterday I went and purchased the eight piece hair extension kit and took it to Amy who colored them the same as my hair and helped me put them in. Of course she made them look beautiful!

Today I put them back in myself...and it took me like 40 minutes, maybe even an hour. Three tries...but the third time is always the charm. They seriously take some getting use too. Suddenly you are walking around with a couple more pounds of weight on your head, and your hair is brushing the backs of your shoulders where it couldn't reach before. I was out shopping and I found myself constantly looking in mirrors to make sure they were not falling out. And they weren't. After trying on a clothes I finally just went to the car and dismantled my hair.
Macey was easily talked into the newest fad...some feathers. She picked the purple ones, which I think made and excellent choice.

The price of beauty! I keep telling this to Macey...who knows. She wants long hair, but is such a tender head. She wants her ears pierced, but is scared because it will hurt just a little. But no more then the clip in earrings she keeps trying to wear for now.
But if you ask me...it is all worth it.
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