Today I heard my husband ask Macey as she emerged from her room if that was what she was wearing today. Then he said..."That is not going to fly. Go see your Mom." Love the zebra socks with the crazy pants. We finally agreed to just put on a pair of jeans.

Daddy got his Tee-Shirt today from completing the Kentucky Bourbon trail.

Yesterday I wore my dress that I purchased from Black and White...that is the point right? However Macey told me she wants to color it with her crayons.

The other fun tidbit that emerged in dinner conversation was how Macey was the Princess and I was the Queen. Macey said Grammy called me the "Queen of Mean." Thanks Mom!
Macey announced that she gets to play a dying pilgrim at the Thanksgiving Day program. That is classic. I wish I got to go to see. I guess she and all the dying actors were laughing about this today at practice.
Also one last thing for women only! I have come to the conclusion that the one single person that I don't want to run into, be it at a restaurant or the grocery story is my OBGYN. Seriously, talk about an awkward moment.
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