I title this Thankful, as not only is it the season, but just like last year I walk away from my friends vigil feeling thankful for what I have waiting for me at home.
My friends Doreena and Merv Javins held a candlelight vigil tonight for victims of crime. Unfortunately, they know all too well what it is like to feel the consequence of someone poor choice or intentional cruelty. Their son was a victim, and likewise so are they.
That is what tonight's vigil was geared too...but when I think of Doreena and Merv I don't think of victims, but as victors! They are living, breathing, walking truth that we do get to choose with how we deal with unwanted misfortunes that occur in our lives. They have taken something bad and made the most out of it driven by the love they have for their son Scott Javins.
Tonight I participated ... last year I took pictures. This year however their crowd had grown, and the media was there to take pictures so I just stood back. I marveled at the beautiful moonrise, the glow of the candles and the prayers offered up to a God that has all the answers that Doreena and Merv still search for. I know they want to know why. I know they want to find the person(s) responsible for the death of their loved son. But I do believe with all of my heart that even if they don't find the answers they desire in this lifetime, they will find out someday. And I do believe that our great maker will deliver the justice most deserved even better than any court system ever could.
In the meantime they are making our community better, and reaching out to those who so very much need them! Click here to see last years vigil...
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