Today I broke out my MP3 player, put it on shuffle and pressed play to let it sing to me. It is amazing that something that you cannot see can make you feel so much, and provoke memories of days past. Each song that came on , made me think of an era, a special day, or a special person.
"When you Wish upon a Star" by Billy Joel and I was back in Disney, with the memory of my princess giggling and exclaiming "I am so happy! I am so happy!"
Next up was "Change of Season" by Hall and Oates and I was thinking of my old college friend who played this song over and over, along with Bob Marley's "Three little birds."
I skipped over to Jackson Browne's "Sky Blue and Black." If you have never heard it before you should listen to it here. *It is voted most hopeful song by my husband and I.
"In the Air Tonight" and I am back in high school driving down the road with an old friend hitting imaginary air drums.
The Counting Crows or Train and I instantly think of Paul and our falling in love and getting to know you days.
When Nora Jones sings to me I think of lullabies I sang to Macey when she was a baby as we walked around the island of our kitchen over and over. No wonder she was I never sounded like this.
Sixpense None the Richer, "There she goes." Gavin loved this song when he was little and we would play it over and over on my little stereo, singing, laughing,jumping and dancing on my bed.
*Hopeful songs are what Paul and I refer to as sarcastically tragic romantic songs that break your heart, nearly kill you and leave you damaged by love for life.
*Also, there are NO U2 songs on my MP3 player. Even if I do like Lemon and Beautiful Day, I don't miss them at all! I know U2's greatest fan. Bono even wrote a song about him, oddly enough it is probably the one and only song that he doesn't like. Probably because the man still hasn't found what he is looking for.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How would your kids do...?
My grandpa sent me this video. After I watched this I sent it to Paul. It reminded me of Macey, but as Paul pointed out if this were Macey she would have wanted to change her shoes! Click here to watch...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tired Kids...

I've got some pretty sleepy kiddos tonight. Endlessly going since Wednesday, and they are now both back home. Wishing they were at farm, or my mom and dad's. Macey says she has to get use to being back home again. She is none too happy about going back to school again tomorrow. I am sure it is harder on her, as this is her first year of having to go to school EVERYDAY. Welcome to the real world.
After five days of late nights, sleep overs, turkey, and shopping...
Game over!
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving evening I was driving out to Bridgeton to have dinner. When I drove past my favorite tree in all the world and saw that someone had cut her down. I nearly cried, in fact I really might have shed a tear or three. Once she was a perfectly shaped tree that added to the beauty of this simple field, and now she was a heap of logs, stumps and limbs.

I have stopped a handful of times to take her picture in the past. Always telling myself that it would be really cool to come here everyday and take her picture. I wanted to capture her in all season, but I never did.
I recall the August evening that I took my kids out to the farm to watch the meteor shower and we stopped by the tree for a final look on our way back home to bed.
I don't go around loving trees...but there was just something about this tree that whispered to me. Some nights when I would see a beautiful sunset, or mornings when I would marvel at the colors of the sunrise, I would think about this tree. I would wish that I was there in that instant with my tripod and camera to see how the light would dance upon its limbs. I had all kinds of wonderful visions of how that tree would appear in a lighting storm. But in all the years that I have had to admired her beauty I have only managed to stop a handful of times to capture her image.
One winter day when it was bitter cold outside, I stopped to take her picture in the blanket of snow that covered everything. Then when I got home and pulled the images up on my computer I thew them all away because they just didn't do it for me. I always thought there would be another opportunity to try again. And now I would do anything for even those few photos.
I knew this was coming. She had died, and they had marked her in the spring...but she still stood tall. Funny how even nature teaches us life lessons. I almost feel as if it is some kind of sign... Even when I knew my time was running out, I took for granted that she would always be standing there, and now she is gone.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
My Favorite Photos of 2010
Today I worked on photo Christmas gifts. I looked at so many photos. I have so many, and I have shared these before...but of all the photos I have taken this year these are the ones that invoke me to laugh every time I look at them...

My little Myrt is always singing... click here., or here. This is how I forever will remember my little girl! I love to hear her sing!

My little Myrt is always singing... click here., or here. This is how I forever will remember my little girl! I love to hear her sing!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I have tendency to romanticize my childhood traditions. However, if I let go of the romance and experience the tradition now as I am older with my own family…it’s just not the same as when I was younger and experiencing it with my sisters, mom and dad.
Because of this I have missed out. I had very unrealistic expectations on how we should celebrate the holidays, but we are not your typical family. We are a collective family with many combining families. We have the “yours, mine and ours.” Many holidays we would spend on the road carting one child to someone else’s grandma, or parent. Sometimes eating three or four meals in order to please everyone! It is exhausting, and not to mention hard on the digestion.
Now we just try to roll with the punches. Just because the calendar says it is Thanksgiving, or Christmas, doesn’t mean we all have to gather together on THAT specific day. So what, if it is what you use to do. So what, if someone doesn’t agree with you. So what, if it doesn’t follow tradition. Gather the ones that are important to you and pick any day, evening, or hour that works and celebrate that moment.
My kids are gone this Thanksgiving Day. All of them are celebrating with someone that is special to them. They are loved so much that they actually get fought over, and I don’t know if they realize just how lucky they are to be this loved. We have so many loved ones, connect to so many families that it would be impossible for all of us to gather under one roof.
I always wanted my kids to have a sense of tradition. I think I also placed too much tradition on the holidays. So if my Gavin was away, and Macey wanted to be with her special Aunt and Uncle I would spend the day brooding , focusing on what I didn’t have rather than what I did have…a blessed break!
Maybe our family doesn’t gather around a turkey every Thanksgiving. But I wouldn’t give up our nightly tradition as a family to gather around our dinner table, over great food (unless I am cooking) and discuss bodily functions and who got in trouble at school today. I would give up Thanksgiving, and Christmas and all the good things about the holidays and traditions to hang on to this single one forever.
Someday, my children will be grown and have children of their own. I can see my husband luring them all in with a beautiful bird and all the fixings in hopes of capturing what we currently live every day. But I also know that we will not just lure them on a few special days each year, but as frequently as we can.
So this holiday season I wish for you contentment at what you have, even if it is in solitude, or does not follow tradition. Celebrate you and your family’s uniqueness.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
cRazY Things My Kids Have Said or Done
"Don't you ever just fall asleep sining?" (Macey age 5....see I told you she was the singer!)
"I don't only want to buy things that are black." (Macey age 5 on Black Friday)
After Macey had gone to chapel one afternoon at school they must have had a lesson about the fruits of God and his spirit. She asked me if we had fruit in our heart. She really though we had actual fruit growing inside our hearts and wanted to know what kind, strawberries, bananas, or apples? (Macey age 4)
“Welcome to meet you, my name is Macey.” (Macey age 4)
After Gavin’s dental appointment the Dr. gave me and Gavin the same old lecture about bad brushing habits. He told Gavin that he had lots of calcium deposits on his teeth. Gavin told the dentist that it wasn’t because he didn’t brush, but because he is lactose intolerant. (Gavin age 10)
Aunt Jessica asked Macey how she got so cute. Macey told her that God made her that way. Jessica told her that she would have to send God a thank you card, and Macey said I don’t know his last name, I only know him by God. (Macey age 4)
Gavin was talking to Grammy about how far away her childhood home was from Papa’s (Maine to Indiana) and said that when they were babies it would have taken even longer since they had to travel by horse and wagon. (Gavin age 10)
Macey asked a waiter that she was flirting with at Cheeseburger in Paradise “Can we order you again?” (Macey age 5)
Are snowcrabs really made out of snow? (Macey age 3)
Macey was talking about a boy she knows Adam...and I told her that I knew who Adam was. She was surprised and asked how I knew him. I told her it was her sister's sister Kelsy's husband's brother. She just gave me the blankest stare. I said you don't get it...she said "No." So we went through it again your sister Taylor's sister Kelsy, married Billy who has a brother who's name is Adam. I could see the wheels turning, and she got it. That is hard even when you are my age (Macey age 5)!
After Paul went to get his haircut Macey asked him if Amy our hairdresser could do anything about his "kissing spot," and she kissed the bald spot on the back of his head. (Macey age 5)
Macey wanted to know why eyebrows were made of hair. (Macey age 5)
Macey told Grammy "I'm glad God made you." My dad wanted to know how you top that compliment. I asked if mom had just bought her something, and Dad told me that she hadn't, but she did after that. (Macey 4 yrs)
I was shaving my legs in the bathroom sink since I forgot my razor in the shower. Macey came over to me and ask me if I was Mowing my legs. (Macey 4 yrs)
Gavin got mad at me about taking his photo and told me that I was just like having the paparazzi with us on family vacations...couldn't I go anywhere without my camera? (Gavin age 10 yrs after taking a photo of him on a kiddie ride).
At dinner Macey asked us all what our favorite color was. Maddie answered clear. (Maddie 20 something)
Macey was trying to tell me something and lost her train of thought. I asked her again, what she wanted to tell me..she touched her head and said "I lost my mind." She just forgot what she wanted to say. (Macey 4 yrs)
We were packing up to leave for the weekend and Macey wanted me to stop everything I was doing to apply a fake tatoo. I told her no. She got mad, but then asked me if her sister Taylor who was there at the time could. I told her that it was up to Taylor. So she asked Taylor and when she asked she gave her "The Look", you mom's know the one. So Taylor sighed and said "Ok, but lets do it now while I am still here." I started to tease Taylor because she caved and she said "Did you see that look she gave me. She did learn from the best you know (meaning her), so I can't really tell her no." (Taylor 17 yr)
Macey got out of the shower and told me that she had naked on. (Macey 4yr)
We were eatting fish sticks for dinner and Gavin was so enjoying them until I told him what they were. He spit his mouthful out and ran to his room to check on the fish in his tank. (Gavin 2 yr)
Tonight at dinner Macey asked us to look at her was shaped like McDonalds. That we all had noes shaped like the letter "M". (Macey 4 yr)
Last year when Macey had a cold, she asked for some "bless you" medicine. (Macey 3 yr)
Recently, I forgot to wear my wedding ring. Gavin thought this was funny so he kept coming up to me and asking me out. We were actually at a skating party and he skated up behind me and said "I see that you are single. Wanna go back to my place and." I stopped him and asked him "and WHAT," the best he could come up with was have a beer. Whew...I was worried about just how much he might know. (Gavin 10yr)
Went to pick up Gavin from a friend's house to find him bare foot. Guess when running in the back yard he put his foot through the family's sewer drain. (Gavin 10yr, shoes 1 month)
During a thunder storm Macey told us that the sky must be hungry because she could hear its tummy growling. (Macey 3yr)
Caught Gavin brushing our cats teeth with his own toothbrush. (Gavin 1 yr)
I asked Gavin what he was chewing on, and his answer was a hiccup. (Gavin 1 yr)
"I don't only want to buy things that are black." (Macey age 5 on Black Friday)
After Macey had gone to chapel one afternoon at school they must have had a lesson about the fruits of God and his spirit. She asked me if we had fruit in our heart. She really though we had actual fruit growing inside our hearts and wanted to know what kind, strawberries, bananas, or apples? (Macey age 4)
“Welcome to meet you, my name is Macey.” (Macey age 4)
After Gavin’s dental appointment the Dr. gave me and Gavin the same old lecture about bad brushing habits. He told Gavin that he had lots of calcium deposits on his teeth. Gavin told the dentist that it wasn’t because he didn’t brush, but because he is lactose intolerant. (Gavin age 10)
Aunt Jessica asked Macey how she got so cute. Macey told her that God made her that way. Jessica told her that she would have to send God a thank you card, and Macey said I don’t know his last name, I only know him by God. (Macey age 4)
Gavin was talking to Grammy about how far away her childhood home was from Papa’s (Maine to Indiana) and said that when they were babies it would have taken even longer since they had to travel by horse and wagon. (Gavin age 10)
Macey asked a waiter that she was flirting with at Cheeseburger in Paradise “Can we order you again?” (Macey age 5)
Are snowcrabs really made out of snow? (Macey age 3)
Macey was talking about a boy she knows Adam...and I told her that I knew who Adam was. She was surprised and asked how I knew him. I told her it was her sister's sister Kelsy's husband's brother. She just gave me the blankest stare. I said you don't get it...she said "No." So we went through it again your sister Taylor's sister Kelsy, married Billy who has a brother who's name is Adam. I could see the wheels turning, and she got it. That is hard even when you are my age (Macey age 5)!
After Paul went to get his haircut Macey asked him if Amy our hairdresser could do anything about his "kissing spot," and she kissed the bald spot on the back of his head. (Macey age 5)
Macey wanted to know why eyebrows were made of hair. (Macey age 5)
Macey told Grammy "I'm glad God made you." My dad wanted to know how you top that compliment. I asked if mom had just bought her something, and Dad told me that she hadn't, but she did after that. (Macey 4 yrs)
I was shaving my legs in the bathroom sink since I forgot my razor in the shower. Macey came over to me and ask me if I was Mowing my legs. (Macey 4 yrs)
Gavin got mad at me about taking his photo and told me that I was just like having the paparazzi with us on family vacations...couldn't I go anywhere without my camera? (Gavin age 10 yrs after taking a photo of him on a kiddie ride).
At dinner Macey asked us all what our favorite color was. Maddie answered clear. (Maddie 20 something)
Macey was trying to tell me something and lost her train of thought. I asked her again, what she wanted to tell me..she touched her head and said "I lost my mind." She just forgot what she wanted to say. (Macey 4 yrs)
We were packing up to leave for the weekend and Macey wanted me to stop everything I was doing to apply a fake tatoo. I told her no. She got mad, but then asked me if her sister Taylor who was there at the time could. I told her that it was up to Taylor. So she asked Taylor and when she asked she gave her "The Look", you mom's know the one. So Taylor sighed and said "Ok, but lets do it now while I am still here." I started to tease Taylor because she caved and she said "Did you see that look she gave me. She did learn from the best you know (meaning her), so I can't really tell her no." (Taylor 17 yr)
Macey got out of the shower and told me that she had naked on. (Macey 4yr)
We were eatting fish sticks for dinner and Gavin was so enjoying them until I told him what they were. He spit his mouthful out and ran to his room to check on the fish in his tank. (Gavin 2 yr)
Tonight at dinner Macey asked us to look at her was shaped like McDonalds. That we all had noes shaped like the letter "M". (Macey 4 yr)
Last year when Macey had a cold, she asked for some "bless you" medicine. (Macey 3 yr)
Recently, I forgot to wear my wedding ring. Gavin thought this was funny so he kept coming up to me and asking me out. We were actually at a skating party and he skated up behind me and said "I see that you are single. Wanna go back to my place and." I stopped him and asked him "and WHAT," the best he could come up with was have a beer. Whew...I was worried about just how much he might know. (Gavin 10yr)
Went to pick up Gavin from a friend's house to find him bare foot. Guess when running in the back yard he put his foot through the family's sewer drain. (Gavin 10yr, shoes 1 month)
During a thunder storm Macey told us that the sky must be hungry because she could hear its tummy growling. (Macey 3yr)
Caught Gavin brushing our cats teeth with his own toothbrush. (Gavin 1 yr)
I asked Gavin what he was chewing on, and his answer was a hiccup. (Gavin 1 yr)
How much does it cost to raise a kid...
So after a recent child support modification and what the state of Indiana suggest is fair I have decided to keep a running tab on my children and how much I spend on them. For those of you who do not have kids yet and wish too someday I suggest that you look away. You will never have enough money. In the real world kids are not cheap and at the same time are priceless!
$46.00 School lunch & breakfast
$10.00 Phone Minutes
$24.00 Special Day -just us! A movie and a meal.
$40.19 Food
$3.07 Shirt for School
$27.76 Christmas Stuff
$225.00 Monthly School Tuition
$2.39 Toiletries
$43.00 Lunch
$58.00 Daycare
$29.39 Food
$50.00 Operations Shoe Box - for school
$1.07 School Supplies
$31.76 Christmas
MACEY: $440.61
$26.98 Shoes
$3.04 Toiletries
$44.00 Field Trips
$89.97 Food
$35.00 School Lunches
$17.10 Pet
$25.00 Doctor
$15.00 Haircut
$19.99 Halloween Costume
$12.00 School Photo
$210.00 Monthly School Tuition
$26.78 Clothing
$33.00 Winter Coat
$10.77 Costume for School Program
$46.86 Food
$35.00 School Lunch
$9.00 Field Trip
$200.00 Daycare
GAVIN $344.96
TOTAL $916.37
$33.00 Dental Work
$55.00 School Lunch
$10.00 School Fund Raiser
$50.00 Dr. Appointment
$14.93 School Supplies
$12.12 Medication
$10.57 Emergency Phone
$3.87 Toiletries
$45.00 School lunch
$210.00 Monthly School Tuition
$118.00 Daycare
$127.14 Medication
$25.00 Doctor Appointment
$59.54 Food
$3.48 Clothing
$4.27 Toiletries
TOTAL $845.40
So after a recent child support modification and what the state of Indiana suggest is fair I have decided to keep a running tab on my children and how much I spend on them. For those of you who do not have kids yet and wish too someday I suggest that you look away. You will never have enough money. In the real world kids are not cheap and at the same time are priceless!
$46.00 School lunch & breakfast
$10.00 Phone Minutes
$24.00 Special Day -just us! A movie and a meal.
$40.19 Food
$3.07 Shirt for School
$27.76 Christmas Stuff
$225.00 Monthly School Tuition
$2.39 Toiletries
$43.00 Lunch
$58.00 Daycare
$29.39 Food
$50.00 Operations Shoe Box - for school
$1.07 School Supplies
$31.76 Christmas
MACEY: $440.61
$26.98 Shoes
$3.04 Toiletries
$44.00 Field Trips
$89.97 Food
$35.00 School Lunches
$17.10 Pet
$25.00 Doctor
$15.00 Haircut
$19.99 Halloween Costume
$12.00 School Photo
$210.00 Monthly School Tuition
$26.78 Clothing
$33.00 Winter Coat
$10.77 Costume for School Program
$46.86 Food
$35.00 School Lunch
$9.00 Field Trip
$200.00 Daycare
GAVIN $344.96
TOTAL $916.37
$33.00 Dental Work
$55.00 School Lunch
$10.00 School Fund Raiser
$50.00 Dr. Appointment
$14.93 School Supplies
$12.12 Medication
$10.57 Emergency Phone
$3.87 Toiletries
$45.00 School lunch
$210.00 Monthly School Tuition
$118.00 Daycare
$127.14 Medication
$25.00 Doctor Appointment
$59.54 Food
$3.48 Clothing
$4.27 Toiletries
TOTAL $845.40
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Do you know what's in your childs bed?

I changed Gavin's sheets today. It made me think of that game show "Let's Make a Deal." At the end of each show he would award the ladies if they had a certain item in their bag. Gavin could so win that show if it came to the contents of his bed.

Thirty-two stuffed animals (I counted, three pairs of jammie pants, a lone sock, candy wrappers, a giant lollipop from Easter with bite marks, a handful of army-men, a hot wheel car, a transformer and I believe an orange peel. Pretty tame for Gavin, but still entertaining all the same. I posted about Gavin's nest once here.

So, go look...what's in your child's bed? I wanna know!
Saturday, November 20, 2010

I title this Thankful, as not only is it the season, but just like last year I walk away from my friends vigil feeling thankful for what I have waiting for me at home.
My friends Doreena and Merv Javins held a candlelight vigil tonight for victims of crime. Unfortunately, they know all too well what it is like to feel the consequence of someone poor choice or intentional cruelty. Their son was a victim, and likewise so are they.
That is what tonight's vigil was geared too...but when I think of Doreena and Merv I don't think of victims, but as victors! They are living, breathing, walking truth that we do get to choose with how we deal with unwanted misfortunes that occur in our lives. They have taken something bad and made the most out of it driven by the love they have for their son Scott Javins.
Tonight I participated ... last year I took pictures. This year however their crowd had grown, and the media was there to take pictures so I just stood back. I marveled at the beautiful moonrise, the glow of the candles and the prayers offered up to a God that has all the answers that Doreena and Merv still search for. I know they want to know why. I know they want to find the person(s) responsible for the death of their loved son. But I do believe with all of my heart that even if they don't find the answers they desire in this lifetime, they will find out someday. And I do believe that our great maker will deliver the justice most deserved even better than any court system ever could.
In the meantime they are making our community better, and reaching out to those who so very much need them! Click here to see last years vigil...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday Flowers

A week after we were married my husband sent me flowers to work with a card that read “happy one week anniversary.” It was a Thursday, and every Thursday that followed guaranteed me a new bouquet of flowers.
The girls in my office would be so jealous! They would go on and on about how lucky I was to have someone that thought of me that much. Even when he would be out of town, which was rare, he would arrange to have the flower delivered to me. Most times he would hand deliver, which I really loved, as I could also deliver a thank you kiss.
The Thursday flower ritual went on for over a year until we had one hell of a fight. I even mentioned the Thursday flower and how I had deserved them. Yikes, did I really say that? Indeed I did, even if I might have believed this to be true at the time, I should never have said such a thing. That was the death of the Thursday flowers.
We didn’t talk about it for a very long time, and when it did come up we had Macey and were stretching our budget to buy formula, diapers, and the likes. He said, “Would you really want me to be spending money on flowers?” and he was right!
On occasion one of the girls at work will recall our first year of marriage and all the Thursday flowers. They ask what happened, or if I miss them. While flowers are always a day brightener, my husband has been with me for almost a decade of my life now. He has purchased things for me at my local Wal-mart that even I can be embarrassed to buy. You girls know what I am talking about…the things you have to purchase and then throw an additional random number of other unnecessary products to hide what you need in hopes the pubescent check out boy doesn’t notice. Flowers have nothing over these purchased items!
While it is not a bouquet of Gerber Daisy’s it is the things he buys that include me in his life that say I am still so very important to him. When he renews our license plates, or runs to the store for Sprite when I am sick, buys chocolate for me when I have PMS and hides it from the kids. He knows me! He knows what I need and when I need it. I think about the days I might be home with a sick kid and if he came home with a bouquet of flowers it wouldn’t cheer me nearly as much as the bottle of wine he picked up for me instead. In my opinion flowers are highly overrated! And girls if you wish your special someone would buy them for you, who said you couldn’t buy them for yourself?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Do you add "In Bed" to the end of your fortunes?

Thanksgiving time always makes me think of Chinese food. If you don't remember why and want to know click here.
So do you add "in bed" to the end of your fortune? If you don't I suggest that you's fun! And if you think I am crazy..listen to others around you the next time you eat Chinese food...sometimes my husband and I hear them laughing and adding "in bed" too!
Today my fortune was....
Keep an eye open for an opportunity soon to arrive.
Here are some of the other fortunes I have save the last few months...
The current year will bring you much happiness.
The seeds of an idea you planted long ago are about to blossom.
You will inherit a large sum of money.
You are going to have some new clothes.
You are soon going to change your present line of work.
You will attend a party where strange customs prevail.
Appreciate the caring people who surround you.
You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.
If the shoe fits, it’s probably your size.
Now is a lucky time for you- take a chance.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
You communicate a sense of harmony to others.
Follow your heart for success in the coming week.
You tend to be practical and analytical.
Your leadership qualities will shine soon.
Don’t let others stop you from doing what you know is right.
You will always be surrounded by true friends.
You are independent politically.
Share your joys and sorrows with your family.
People are attracted by your delicate features.
You will profit soon from an investment opportunity.
You will travel far and wide, both pleasure and business.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
It could be worse...couldn't it?
I constantly am thinking of a children’s story that Gavin has called “It could have been worse.” The story has stayed with me over the years. It is a story about a field mouse that has the most horrible day! He falls, and gets hurt, almost drowns, loses his stuff…and yeah it was a pretty terrible day! But while he is out there experiencing “Payne Luck” as we would call it in our house…he really was avoiding more terrible, almost grave disasters!
For example…he fell into a hole in the ground right before a cat could pounce on him and ultimately have him for lunch. The mouse only knows he fell and got hurt. He never saw the cat, and never knew how much worse it could have been.
Once I was at a crossroads in my life and had to give up a job that I really loved! I knew that most likely I would later need this job! I took my chances and left anyway. No one saw fault in my decision, but the reason I left the job did not work out, and I was left to look for a new job at a very difficult time in my life. I held resentment towards someone for a long time regarding this job…he was the biggest reason I let it go. I was mad for YEARS. Honestly, sometimes I still am, even if things worked better for me then I could have planned!
In the long run I found the BEST job ever! The job and I were a perfect fit. I truly was placed there for a reason. The friendships I made there, the experience, opportunities, and my own personal self confidence blossomed. One day the very girl I had trained to do my old job came in for an interview where I was now working. Two years had passed since I had left my old job. She explained to me that the Doctor/surgeon we had been working for had developed a neurological disorder and could no longer perform surgery and was going to retire. She was forced to leave my old job. I was shocked! Had I been able to have things my own way…I still would have had to look for a new job, and I would have missed out on the perfect opportunity I currently had at hand.
Sometimes we get so upset when things don’t go our way. We question the existence of God himself. Could it be that all along God is keeping even worse fates at bay? I like to believe that he is.
I think about the baby that I miscarried years ago. It was terribly sad at the time, but two months later I was pregnant with Macey, and we could not imagine our lives without our princess.
We all have what ifs, but the what ifs I have in my life are entirely out of my control and I will never know a different outcome then what is presently at hand. So why worry about them?
Then I think about the normal day to day dramas that inconvenience me. I am late for work because the dog ran off, or Gavin forget his house key, Macey spilt her drink all over her. Maybe I am late for a reason. Just like the man who worked in the twin towers and stepped into a drug store to buy something for the blisters his new shoes were giving him. While he was making his purchase the first plane crashed into the tower, and the man’s very life was spared.
So remember the next time you are having a bad day maybe there is a reason…and things REALLY could be worse!
For example…he fell into a hole in the ground right before a cat could pounce on him and ultimately have him for lunch. The mouse only knows he fell and got hurt. He never saw the cat, and never knew how much worse it could have been.
Once I was at a crossroads in my life and had to give up a job that I really loved! I knew that most likely I would later need this job! I took my chances and left anyway. No one saw fault in my decision, but the reason I left the job did not work out, and I was left to look for a new job at a very difficult time in my life. I held resentment towards someone for a long time regarding this job…he was the biggest reason I let it go. I was mad for YEARS. Honestly, sometimes I still am, even if things worked better for me then I could have planned!
In the long run I found the BEST job ever! The job and I were a perfect fit. I truly was placed there for a reason. The friendships I made there, the experience, opportunities, and my own personal self confidence blossomed. One day the very girl I had trained to do my old job came in for an interview where I was now working. Two years had passed since I had left my old job. She explained to me that the Doctor/surgeon we had been working for had developed a neurological disorder and could no longer perform surgery and was going to retire. She was forced to leave my old job. I was shocked! Had I been able to have things my own way…I still would have had to look for a new job, and I would have missed out on the perfect opportunity I currently had at hand.
Sometimes we get so upset when things don’t go our way. We question the existence of God himself. Could it be that all along God is keeping even worse fates at bay? I like to believe that he is.
I think about the baby that I miscarried years ago. It was terribly sad at the time, but two months later I was pregnant with Macey, and we could not imagine our lives without our princess.
We all have what ifs, but the what ifs I have in my life are entirely out of my control and I will never know a different outcome then what is presently at hand. So why worry about them?
Then I think about the normal day to day dramas that inconvenience me. I am late for work because the dog ran off, or Gavin forget his house key, Macey spilt her drink all over her. Maybe I am late for a reason. Just like the man who worked in the twin towers and stepped into a drug store to buy something for the blisters his new shoes were giving him. While he was making his purchase the first plane crashed into the tower, and the man’s very life was spared.
So remember the next time you are having a bad day maybe there is a reason…and things REALLY could be worse!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Mom's other work day....Saturday

While it is nice to get a break from the the hassles of work, who says a working mom gets a break just because it is the weekend?
7:11 am up before the kids which is a break.
7:13 am starting a cup of coffee, and let the dog out.
7:17 am out chasing the dog down the street in my jammy pants.
7:30 am Gavin is up, and into the bathroom making as much noise as possible!
7:32 am guess who else is now up? Offspring #2..the talker and non-stop singer.

7:45 am cleaning up last night dinner mess, and kitchen table so I can have somewhere to fold the laundry.
7:56 am folding laundry.
7:58 am Calling Gavin to the laundry room to clean only God knows what out of the washing was something in his pockets.
8:10 am breakfast time for kids.
8:20 am I go to the bathroom to find stuff still in the toilet and pee all over the back of the seat. Gavin gets a lesson on cleaning the toilets.
8:30 am into the living room. Picked up seven blankets, three sweatshirts, two pairs of dirty socks and a stray, five cups or empty soda cans, handfuls of candy wrapping carcasses, used Kleenex, ....this may take awhile.

9:00 am folding more clothes. Open the dryer to find more contents of Gavin's pockets. Supervising Gavin cleaning out the dryer.
9:10 am Starting on Macey's room. This is the big job of the Macey's room. Wish us luck!
9:45 am switching out laundry, found Gavin's MP3 ear phones, cleaner...but now broken.
10:22 am gave the dog a bath!
10:32 am paid some bills online.
10:45 am invited Gavin's friend over so he would be entertained.

10:50 am wrestled my bra off the dog. Not sure how he got that.
11:00 am leaving to pick up friend and lunch...
12:36 pm back at it! So the next two hours I did more laundry, helped Macey with her room. Washed the finger, nose and tongue prints off the sliding glass door (it looked nice for about 30 minutes), picked up the Halloween decorations, gathered some yard art in the to be put away, dodged nerf gun bullets from my son and his friend.
2:40 pm washed Gavin's winter jacket for the 2nd time today after finding him hiding from his friend under my car.
3:00 pm sat down for a break...whew!
3:01 pm coffee time
4:36 pm Mission accomplished! Macey has the cleanest room in the house. Wish the rest of the house looked and was as clean! Too bad I didn't take a before pic.
4:45 pm off to Walmart for Sunday wine and dinner.

6:06 pm back from Walmart, what was I thinking taking three kids?
6:08 pm Wine!
6:18 pm calling it a day on house work! Think I might grab my shower now!
Can any of you mom's identify? Are you as tired as I?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday Night is Movie Night at the Payne House
On the Friday nights that Gavin is home, it is movie night with me and the kids!

I hope someday when they are grown up and no longer live here that they will think of these Friday nights and the time that we spent together. Maybe they will even call me and want to watch a movie with their mom. That is a beautiful thought.

I hope someday when they are grown up and no longer live here that they will think of these Friday nights and the time that we spent together. Maybe they will even call me and want to watch a movie with their mom. That is a beautiful thought.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mom You Worry Too Much!
Gavin is always on me about my worrying too much. I guess I kind of do this a lot, like just this week I have actually said these things to my kids (in a whisper, or horse kind of bellow).
Tie your shoes or you will trip and fall.
Pick up your room, or at least clear a path…if this house caught on fire in the middle of the night you would not make it out of here alive…you would trip and fall.
Lock the door behind me, or someone might come and take you kids. (Whoever it is I hope they are rich…have you noticed how much it cost to raise my kids?)
Put your coat on, or you will catch a cold.
Did you really just eat that off the floor? Don't eat that off the floor, that is gross. You will get sick!
Dry your hands after you wash them before you turn off the light or you will get electrocuted.
Use a towel when you get out of the shower…or you will slip and fall.
Turn the lights on when you read, it’s bad for your eyesight…you will go blind.
Don’t wave at passing cars…you might wave at a crazy person and they will follow us home.
Be careful when you empty the dishwasher. If the knives are pointing upward you might cut your hand and get an infection. (Ok, I confess, I didn't really say this. My kids don't put the dishes away. But I can fantasize that they do!)
Did you brush your teeth? Seriously, you need to brush them longer or all your teeth are going to rot out from all the Halloween candy you have been eating.
Don’t plug all your games into this one outlet…you are going to start a fire and then not be able to get out of your room because of your mess!
Did you wash your hands? You have to wash your hands or you will be sick.
Did you wash your hands after you touched the turtle shell…turtle shells carry disease ya know, and where is the turtle shell…? Did you leave it on the floor where someone can trip and fall over it?
Did you remember to turn off the lava lamp? It gets too hot and will start a fire.
Kids be careful when you go in the bathroom, my hot iron is on! I don't want you to get burned.
No more candy…it will make you sick!
Put your shoes on when you go outside or you will step on glass or something and cut yourself.
Where is your bike helmet…you need it when you ride, someone might hit you and you will die.
Stop banging on the glass door, do you want to put your hand through it and have to go to the hospital and get stitches?
Stop playing in the street, you might get hit by a car.
Don’t run with that stick you will fall and poke your eye out.
Don’t swallow all that tooth paste, it will poison you and make you sick.
Don't go into the woods without telling an adult, I don't want someone to take you.
Guess I can be pretty gloom and doom. But don’t all mothers do this? I hear this doesn't get much better as our children age. Sticks, turtles, helmets and toothpaste turn into cars, drugs, dates, and poor choices. But in writing this I guess I should chill out on my analogies. As my children do often fall down from unproper footwear or untied laces, there have been no fires as of yet, even when my daughter did put her floor lamp under her bed to find something while it was on. Maybe I should come up with some other consequence so my children will not grow up with a fear of falling or being in a fire.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Random Thoughts from a Sick Mommy
So I have no voice...the kids and hubby are in heaven I am sure.
Today I heard my husband ask Macey as she emerged from her room if that was what she was wearing today. Then he said..."That is not going to fly. Go see your Mom." Love the zebra socks with the crazy pants. We finally agreed to just put on a pair of jeans.

Daddy got his Tee-Shirt today from completing the Kentucky Bourbon trail.

Yesterday I wore my dress that I purchased from Black and White...that is the point right? However Macey told me she wants to color it with her crayons.

The other fun tidbit that emerged in dinner conversation was how Macey was the Princess and I was the Queen. Macey said Grammy called me the "Queen of Mean." Thanks Mom!
Macey announced that she gets to play a dying pilgrim at the Thanksgiving Day program. That is classic. I wish I got to go to see. I guess she and all the dying actors were laughing about this today at practice.
Also one last thing for women only! I have come to the conclusion that the one single person that I don't want to run into, be it at a restaurant or the grocery story is my OBGYN. Seriously, talk about an awkward moment.
Today I heard my husband ask Macey as she emerged from her room if that was what she was wearing today. Then he said..."That is not going to fly. Go see your Mom." Love the zebra socks with the crazy pants. We finally agreed to just put on a pair of jeans.

Daddy got his Tee-Shirt today from completing the Kentucky Bourbon trail.

Yesterday I wore my dress that I purchased from Black and White...that is the point right? However Macey told me she wants to color it with her crayons.

The other fun tidbit that emerged in dinner conversation was how Macey was the Princess and I was the Queen. Macey said Grammy called me the "Queen of Mean." Thanks Mom!
Macey announced that she gets to play a dying pilgrim at the Thanksgiving Day program. That is classic. I wish I got to go to see. I guess she and all the dying actors were laughing about this today at practice.
Also one last thing for women only! I have come to the conclusion that the one single person that I don't want to run into, be it at a restaurant or the grocery story is my OBGYN. Seriously, talk about an awkward moment.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Camera Girls
Yesterday was picture day....I took them most of the day!

When I was finally done, and started to transform my studio back into our living space Macey came in and wanted to take some photos.

She wanted to press the buttons!

So with a self timer and my budding little photographer we went to work!

Actually I just took her direction and sat for awhile!

Macey would say things like, "that's great" or "you look fantabulous."

She gave direction, turn your head this way, or scoot this way.

We tried different camera lenses!

We laughed and were silly!

The real photo opportunity was the picture of her behind my camera on the tripod! Super cute!

I wonder if she will grow up and become a great photographer!

In looking at all these photos of myself...I see that I need to be in more so the image of myself is not so shocking!

I noticed that I no longer fit into my skin....since when did this happen?

Finally, daddy came home and took the shoot with us actually in the photo! Here it is!

When I was finally done, and started to transform my studio back into our living space Macey came in and wanted to take some photos.

She wanted to press the buttons!

So with a self timer and my budding little photographer we went to work!

Actually I just took her direction and sat for awhile!

Macey would say things like, "that's great" or "you look fantabulous."

She gave direction, turn your head this way, or scoot this way.

We tried different camera lenses!

We laughed and were silly!

The real photo opportunity was the picture of her behind my camera on the tripod! Super cute!

I wonder if she will grow up and become a great photographer!

In looking at all these photos of myself...I see that I need to be in more so the image of myself is not so shocking!

I noticed that I no longer fit into my skin....since when did this happen?

Finally, daddy came home and took the shoot with us actually in the photo! Here it is!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I think I am Jealous
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