Monday, October 18, 2010

Dinner and a Show

Most nights we eat dinner together at the table. This is something that I am proud of! Tonight while eating and talking about the days events, and where we wish we could visit if we could visit anywhere, I looked over at my daughter who had taken the object left for her to pick up before dinner...she had boxed herself in with these objects. This is some new thing I have noticed her doing last week. Is she OCD? I would have to say...maybe. Although Wikipedia paints a weird picture of this disorder. Macey just likes to do things a "certain" way.

Paul got done with his dinner and walked over to his laptop and told me about a new album that he had heard of and really much so that he was going to buy this song. It is from the Herbie Handcock Imagine Collection. You can listen to it here at YouTube. It starts out very slow and Pink and Seal sing it ...which is very cool!

Next thing I know everyone is up and dancing...

I had to pay Gavin to stay and dance so I could take his picture...and then I had to pay is sister as well. The making of tonights blog cost me $2.00.

Jack just wanted to know if Macey was going to finish that chicken on her plate?

One day I know I am going to miss these nights, so for now I am just happy to have them.

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