Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Usless Information

Everyday is a learning experience with my are a few of the things they taught me today.

Did you know that when you have the hiccups you are growing? Per Macey (She is actually worried because she has had them for a long time and she fears she is getting too big!)

Did you know that if you get all the gifts from the twelve days of Christmas you will have 364 presents? Per Gavin

Did you know if you try to chew or play with a glass Christmas bulb it will break? Per Jack

Did you know the dirtiest currency in the world is China's and the least dirtiest is Australia's. Per Gavin

There is twelve in a dozen. Per Macey

There are 31.5 million seconds in a year. Per Gavin

The tip of your elbow is called your wenis. Per Gavin

If you open a bottle of "goo" (aka shampoo)and squeeze once all the scary things will get sucked inside and can't get you. Per Macey

There are 25 days, 3 hours, 0 minutes, 44, 43, 42, 42, 40, etc... seconds until Christmas.... Per Macey

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Tree Makeover

Really, I just need a new tree...or a real tree. Usually we do a real tree...but I decided to make do with what we had this year and put up my ten year old pre-lit tree, it is a sorry mess...

I was also selective. I didn't want ever single hand made decoration from when I was a kid hanging on the tree. I wanted it to all be blue...and that was our only theme.

My mom came over to get Gavin the other day and saw our sorry tree. While out shopping yesterday she made it her mission to fix our charlie brown tree. Now it looks like this...

I couldn't even hang everything she got for us...the tree is starting to bend forward a little.

I bet the kids will call my mom this week after they get their trees up to ask for a makeover too!

Thanks Mom, it does look better!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Deal of the Day!

The best deal I got all day was this beautiful, spunky, engaging, intelligent, blue eyed six year old for the sale price of $129.99

She is priceless!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Hot Cross Buns"

What is that noise?

Gavin's nightly trumpet playing...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This year, vs. last year

This year....

Last year...

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is how I feel after a long week at work! How about you?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Death of a Previous Life...

Today marks the 12 year anniversary of the death of my previous life. While at this moment 12 years ago I was flying home to my parents for comfort. For a long time I tried to suppress the memory of it, but now I embrace it. One door closed sent me on a remarkable journey to finding myself. One door closed surprisingly changed my life for the better. My only regret was that I wasted a lot of valuable time standing by that closed door; banging, whaling and begging for even the light to come back on. When I finally stood up, brushed myself off and set off into the unknown without looking back I did find joy again.

Here are some important things that I learned …

You are the keeper of your own happiness.

Ask for help when you need it.

While it would be wonderful for things to resolve themselves overnight…there is something to be said for the experience.

Don’t look back!

Sex is no replacement for love.

Keep your dignity. Begging and graveling are very unappealing.

Do what you like!

Dwelling on what you don’t have robs you from enjoying what you do have.

God’s timing is perfect.

God answers every pray, even if the answer was no.

Treat yourself now and again?

Karma finds us all so don’t waste time on revenge.

Forgiveness is not a weakness.

You don’t always have control over the cards life deals you, but you do get to choose how to play them.

Time and truth go hand in hand.


Be mindful of the secrets you share with others.

Find an outlet you can be passionate about!

Overwhelmed…take it one day at a time. If even that seems too much break it down, sometimes breathing is all you need to do.

Surround yourself with happy and positive people.

There is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us.

Sometimes avoidance is necessary.

There is someone for everyone.

Setting for status-quo does not reap awesome results.

Love is everywhere…even if it is not in the form that you desired or expected it to be in …it still is there!

Here is a great song that always makes me think of the life lessons I learned from a single closed door.
Sara Groves - Painting Pictures of Egypt

Be brave my friends who can identify...this will pass and you will be happy again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This and That

I think these two are starting to look alike...what do you think? I think it is the hair.

Macey got this belated birthday gift in the mail on Monday. Miss Marie-Grace, one of the new American Girl Dolls.

Gavin brought home his report card. I don't take pictures of things that I don't like so I guess you will just have to ask him about it!

Gavin is giving out his phone number to girls.

Someone asked me if I had any more pics of Macey dressed up for Halloween. I have just one more...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Blogaversary

Tomorrow marks my 2nd blogaversary. Here are a few highlights from the past year..

We survived an epic snow/ice storm. And more cool pics of the storm.

Macey lost her first tooth and got her ears pierced.

Gavin broke an arm. And celebrated the best kind of birthday.

Jack got sprayed by a skunk.

Remember the places we visited...Paul's birthday get away. A day trip to Kentucky. A fishing trip to Cook Minn. Back to the Dell's where we exchanged rings in the rain seven years ago. A hike at Turkey Run with friends. The great pumpkin patch. And had a girl's getaway in St. Louis.

The girl's graduations...Macey, and Taylor.

We had our moment of fame when we talked and shook hands with our favorite band...TRAIN.

Happy Blogaversary to my family...thanks for putting up with the camera!

To see last years blogaversary click here.