So this is the view from my back porch at 8:00 pm. It started raining around 4:30 pm and already the ice is thick on the trees, porch, and bird house. I knew it was starting to get bad when Jack went out a little after 6:oo pm and his little back legs were sliding out from underneath him.
So we are charging, charging, charging...while we have power. Charging phones, DSI, and DVD players. We have all taken a nice warm shower and have gotten good and clean. Candles are like wine and beer at this house ...we are good to go. School already closed tomorrow. The Bank has to be open. Paul's work might be closed.
We each took a trip to a different grocery store and waited most of our lunch hour to pay for what we could hold in our hands only because there were no carts left.
Stay tuned for more post...if I still have power!
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