Mom: What is your weirdest relative like?
Gavin: Well, she has bright blue eyes. She is annoying, and she lives with us.
Mom: What holiday would you invent to get you out of school?
Gavin: Pickle Day. A day where everyone would only eat pickles for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. Pickles are great!
Mom: If your dog Jack could talk what would he say to you?
Gavin: "Could you pop me some popcorn?"
Mom: Tell me about something that made you laugh hysterically?
Gavin: The Jesus Saves bank that Aunt Katie got for Christmas. A Jesus bank that says Jesus Saves. It was very funny at the time, remember it made me cry I laughed so hard?
Mom: Yes, I remember. I thought I was going to have to pull over on the side of the road cuz we were both laughing so hard.

Mom: When you get older will you get a tattoo or your ears pierced?
Gavin: NOPE
Mom: A place you want to visit?
Gavin: Paris
Mom: A quality you want in a future girl friend.
Gavin: (answer not for this blog)
Mom: Gavin...try again...
Gavin: A great personality and to be hot.
Mom: If you could change your name would you and what would it be?
Gavin: Nah, I like it just the way it is.
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